Pro-Palestinian activists Tank facebook app notes to protest alleged censorship


People have used application assessments to oppose business policies in the past, but an ongoing campaign can make significant damage. NBC News learned that pro-Palestinian activists are successful in a campaign for Facebook trash ratings in Apple App Store and Google Play Store via “thousands” comments on a star. Many participants accused Facebook of Palestinian silencing while talking about the recent climbing violence with Israel.

The social network takes the countryside very seriously, according to the information of the NBC message card obtained. It is marked as a problem of “gravity 1” or just below a site failure in its own right. A Senior Facebook engineer reported that users felt they were “censored” and have otherwise eliminated.

In particular, however, store operators were not necessarily stakeholders. A Facebook employee said that Apple refused to remove the critics of a star. It’s not clear, how did Google responded.

We asked Apple and Google to comment. Facebook rejected accusations of censorship in a statement to NBC, claiming that its policies provide “everyone a voice” and that it applied them whatever beliefs. The Andy Stone spokesman highlighted a team that “closely monitored” the Israeli-Palestinian situation to learn a harmful content and correct application errors.

This will not necessarily lead Facebook to change their approach. However, it is remarkable that the campaign has an effect in the first place – and that the hosts of the App Store could stay outside the fray. It would not be surprising that more campaigns like this emerging in the future, even if they do not finally lead to the action of societ

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