9 Tips to Increase Your Internet Speed


Internet has changed our lives in many ways. We have become so much dependent on the internet in all ways. Even for a simple search or for any normal or general work we take the help of the internet. We cannot even imagine our lives without internet. Everything seems impossible without the use of internet; internet has become the part of our daily routine. We are embedded with internet facility not in our working areas but also in our homes and at public places. There are so many internet connections available in the market of different companies and service providers. Internet is the need of an hour.

Sometimes the speed of the internet decreases due the weak network or due to the weak signal of the network. There are so many ways which will increase the speed of your internet connection. There are so many ways through which you can check your current speed of the internet. With the help of this, you will come to know about the lower or higher speed of the internet. There are many sites, which test the speed of your internet connection.

There are many ways to increase the pace of your internet connection. One of them is to use an extender. Mywifiext helps to setup Wi-Fi extender to boost the internet connection. Other tips are discussed as follows:

  1. Test your router or modem: if your speed of the internet is decreased this is mainly due to your bad or wrong router. The old modem cannot meet your requirement for the current need. You have to change or upgrade your modem from time to time in order to maintain its speed.
  2. Scanning viruses: in order to maintain the speed of the internet you must scan the viruses in your modem which will indirectly slowed down the speed of your internet connection.
  3. Check the system interference: you may also check the system and make sure that your system is not interrupting your system and internet speed. You must fit a safe and good virus system.
  4. Checking the filters: if you are connecting your 168.1.250 IP or internet to your phone or telephone then you must install good quality filters to your system.
  5. Avoiding cordless phones: many cordless phones interrupting the speed of the internet. You must avoid the cordless phones in order to maintain the speed of your internet.
  6. Plug in: you have to plug in the wireless internet to your modem to increase the speed of your internet.
  7. By replacing or shortening the cables: you can replace the old cables with the new ones. You can shorten the cables in order to increase the speed of your internet.
  8. Update the software timely: you can update your software timely and regularly. Everyday, there is a new updates available for the software. You can update your network software time to time.
  9. Checking the cables and testing: You can check your cables and network test with the help of your internet service provider.

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