Google Search brings more AI and AR Power to Doimets


The search, next to or in conjunction with the ads, is Google’s bread and butter. The more people use it and stay in search of all their needs, the better for Google. Of course, this implies that Google does search for an indispensable tool for all internet needs and that’s exactly what he says in his update of I / O 2021, powered by AI and AR, of course .

Google Lens has become an integral part of the search on smartphones because it has become the “visual” version of web search using what you and your phone. Its power comes from the way it is capable of identifying objects and, in the case of text, translate them. As it is increasingly becoming an apprenticeship tool also, Google now facilitates people to copy or even listen to text translated for their learning of the foreign language.

Mobile search also offers AR results that you can view in the real world. Although most of them are looking towards entertainment, some should also educate or even inspire. These are not only fictitious characters or animals, nor as Google, just add a Simone Simone Simone Simone Signature Beam Routine from Gymnast Simone to this list.

The combination of AI and the IT vision also help buyers discover articles on research. Take a screenshot of a product will encourage Google Photos to ask you to run this image via Google Lens to identify the product and search for it. Now that it also opens 1.7 million shops from Shopify, researchers will be able to find more products from this research.

All the results of the research, however, are not created equal and some may have more credibility than others. Although Google’s ranking mechanism tries to supervise the most trustworthy, it will also allow people themselves to judge these results with a new “about this result” that moved in English around the world. Here they will be able to see the description of the website, when Google indiffers and if it offers a secure connection for peace of mind

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