The arch structure of Arche of the iconic Galápagos of Galapagos Island collapsed


The vault of Darwin, an emblematic rock formation in the Pacific Ocean near the Galapagos Islands, collapsed. The structure was notable for its jurdiction, square pillars and rounded tunnel type entrance, making it a popular photographic attraction and tourist destination. Public servants believe that the Ark collapsed due to natural erosion.

The vault of Darwin was an arch naturally found in the ocean a few hundred kilometers from the Ecuadorian coast. The leaders of the nation confirmed that the arcade collapsed in the ocean between the two pillars, which are much thicker and stand up. The collapse was confirmed yesterday, May 17th.

The arcade was located in a mile of Darwin Island; Both and rock formation were named after the famous Scientist Charles Darwin. The Galapagos Islands played an important role in Darwin’s scientific study and had an influence on its potential theory of evolution.

Although naturally trained rock arches are likely to collapse with natural erosion, an increase in the island tourists has attracted concerns about potential damage to the remote location and the variety of species that live there.

The Galapagos Islands are not only threatened with a growing number of tourists. Scientists have warned that this distant destination is also very vulnerable to climate change, especially if El Nino events become more frequent. The change in precipitation, temperatures of the sea, and the more could have a substantial impact of the various ecosystems found on the islands, put them at risk of collapse.

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