Google finally brings Youtube music to wear OS


The big changes arrive at the OS wear platform. Google has announced that it has developed the next version of Wear OS with Samsung at its I / O developer conference, where it also revealed that it is (finally!) Launch a YouTube music application for the operating system. The technology giant began closing the Play Music app in September in favor of YouTube music, but using users of the operating system have lost access to their devices weeks earlier than that.

Google has provided people with a transfer tool to move their tracks from the old application to the new month before closing. However, he killed to play music probably before his replacement is ready for the masses, even if it has been released for years. The wear of OS owners had to wait almost eight months for this announcement, after all, and the application does not even have an exact date of exit. Google only said it was going out later this year. Meanwhile, Apple Watch users have access to a YouTube music application since October 2020, shortly after stopping music.

When YouTube music goes out for the wear system wear, people will be able to take advantage of the functionality of the service on their intelligent sources. One of these is to be able to download music on their devices, allowing playback without Wi-Fi connection or data connection.

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