What are the Services Provided by Digital Harbor Inc? Influencing Healthcare Industry with Dharbor Services


Introduction to Digital Harbor

Digital Harbor is an organization which has influenced the whole project management and risk management industry solutions for enterprise communities, Government, and monetary establishments. It was invented many, which are first-to-present technologies and risk management strategies in the business world. It creates composite applications for business use and first propelled its wise business Data Fusion platform.

Digital Harbor is pioneered in developing creative project management and risk management solutions for enterprise communities, Government, and financial institutions. It has created the technologies and solutions which are unique in the business world.

Sneak Peek to Services Provide by Digital Harbor

Digitalharbor kept evolving and became the fastest-growing company in 2009 and made its focus on the risk management strategies for the healthcare industry in the US by releasing its “Know Your Risk” suit for healthcare operations. Here are some solutions developed by Digital Harbor Inc are:

  • Know Your Member (KYM)

KYM gives worldwide recipient profiling plan to forestall frauds and risks in getting wasteful recipients by the social healthcare payers in this way guaranteeing meriting and veritable recipients by proactive alarms and intelligent risk scoring.

  • Know Your Customer (KYC)

Also called “Know Your Client.” KYC is the procedure of verification of clients by checking the customer’s character and evaluating potential dangers of terrible expectations of customers.

  • Know Your Claim

It performs predictive analysis & analysis on supplier claims and for recognizing the misbehavior and in this way losses to the company. This suit also consists of models like “Know Your Caregiver” and “Know Your Audits.”

  • Know Your Provider (KYP)

KYP is the dynamic provider portal which gives seamless one-way experience by ensuring security.

Moreover, the S.E.T. Universal platform consists of three main things – Social form, social case, and social analytics. It helps to create the enterprise communication method additional seamless by correlating and collaborating customers, finish users, and every one stakeholder to create low risk-based choices and transactions.

How digital harbor helps you to know about healthcare fraud?

The most well-known way a healthcare fraud case examination begins is the point at which an expert’s perspectives a case design as suspicious. Alternatively, then again, the experts may get a tip-off from an insider or an informant. Also, there will be consequences; it may very well be a patient who is furious and documents a grievance.

Digital Harbor is the expertise in Know Your Customer and Know Your Provider platforms in the United States, and they have specialized technologies in fraud prevention and risk management services. So, detecting these healthcare frauds and preventing the risk of customers lives is the purpose of dharbor, it provides fraud detection services for the following the instance of Medicare and Medicaid industry:

  • Charging money for a bunch of tests as well as medicines on separate bills for the same treatment. This is also called as double-billing.
  • Applying charges for missed appointments
  • Forcing or mandating the use of unnecessary services
  • Giving or receiving something costly or valuable to get Medicaid or Medicare services
  • Using higher-cost service’s billing code to charge for higher for the services

Digital Harbor has changed the way of managing complex business processes by avoiding the chance of risk and failures. Digital Harbor is now an industry leader in advanced fraud detection models and soon became trusted for healthcare solutions through its dharbor healthcare fraud detection services

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