What to Do When You Experience a Heart Attack and Panic Attack?

sam bawa

The thought of experiencing a heart attack can be a huge worry to many, especially considering its fatal nature. The truth — having a heart attack is deadly and you can get online CPR training that can help you survive a heart attack. Your fast response when you suspect that you or your loved one might be experiencing a heart attack can actually save a life.

Heart attacks often come with some warning signs such as mild pain and discomfort. If at any time you or your family member experiences such symptoms, then you should seek help by calling for emergency services or ask someone to do it for you. The following include some of the common signs to watch out for that are associated with having a heart attack and you can know more about them when you get online CPR training.

  • Chest discomforts, especially at the center and comes and goes or last longer than a few minutes.
  • Discomfort in the thoracic cavity, which is the upper body section that includes your back, jaw, stomach, arms, or neck, is a sign of a heart attack. The discomfort might feel more like pain.
  • Difficulty breathing may be accompanied by chest discomfort.
  • Unusual sensations include nausea, dizziness, vomiting, or cold sweat. Such feelings are normally associated with women than men.

Steps to take when you suspect a heart attack:

Tell Someone to Call for an Ambulance

If you suspect that you or your loved one might be having a heart attack, then if you are not alone, you can ask someone to call emergency services. It is important to stay with that person until personnel from emergency services arrive. Emergency medical services personnel are highly trained to handle such situations, and it is, therefore, better to call for help rather than asking someone to take you to the hospital.

If you happen to be in a public place such as school, workplace, or store, then there is a high possibility that defibrillators are available. These are medical devices used by Emergency medical services personnel to revive patients who have heart attacks.

Take a Dose of Aspirin

A normal dose of aspirin, which is usually 325 milligrams, can be very useful in controlling a heart attack. The dose of aspirin works by reducing the ability of blood to clot. In the event of a heart attack, the drug slows down blood clotting and reduces the size of clots formed.

Cough CPR

Cough CPR is a type of heart attack treatment found online that entails taking a deep breath followed by deep coughing. The treatment helps by raising blood pressure for a few seconds, which allows the delivery of more blood to the brain. However, this treatment is not fully endorsed by experts who believe that it can’t be used on patients who are unconscious and, therefore, unable to cough.

Cayenne Pepper Solution

Mixing cayenne pepper with water as a heart attack treatment is also not fully endorsed by heart specialists. The treatment is believed to act as a stimulant, which increases the heart rate and hence carries blood to all parts of the body to allow proper circulation. Unfortunately, there is no proof that cayenne pepper is useful when taken as a treatment against a heart attack.

You should take the necessary steps towards reducing heart attack risks by not smoking, maintaining an active routine that involves exercise, and avoiding food with high cholesterol levels.

How to Manage Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks are usually sudden and can sometimes be overpowering. Anyone can experience panic attacks since they are caused by depression, general anxiety, or panic disorder. Panic attacks entail both physical and emotional symptoms, which you can learn from a CPR online course. Physical symptoms of panic attacks include nausea, sweating, increased heartbeat, and difficulty breathing.

Learning a CPR online course can significantly help with emotional symptoms as well, which include fear and intense worrying. Let’s look at some of the ways in which we can stop panic attacks and even reduce the chances of them occurring.

Recognize and Accept the Panic Attack

If you or your loved one may have previously experienced panic attacks, and when presently experience one, you should remember that it is not permanent and does not result in any physical harm, no matter how unpleasant. You should be able to acknowledge that what you or your family member is experiencing is brief and as a result of temporary anxiety.

However, if you or your loved one is experiencing a panic attack for the first time, then the best solution is to visit the doctor immediately. Symptoms of panic attacks might sometimes indicate serious health issues such as a stroke or heart attack. So it is best to seek quick medical help to deal with the emergency issue.

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